Professor C. N. Oguonu (Ph.D)
I welcome you to the University of Nigeria, Joint Preliminary and Examination Board (JUPEB). JUPEB is a national examination body approved by the federal government of Nigeria in December 2013. It started operation in April 2014 by a consortium of ten (10) partnering universities of which University of Nigeria is one. JUPEB has the mandate of facilitating Direct Entry admission into various university courses globally by conducting credible examination for all candidates taught on a qualitative and well balanced curricular for a minimum of one (1) year.
The JUPEB UNN programme is driven by the desire to equip aspiring candidates with the knowledge needed to excel in the national examination. To achieve this, students are placed on intensive lectures and practicals (where applicable) in a conducive environment. JUPEB uses qualified and dedicated tutors supervised by facilitators to ensure that students receive the knowledge and experience needed to excel in their exams and beyond.